My first Threadless Select tee and boy, it looks so fine. I just got a bundle of my tees back from the tailor's today, together with 2 other pairs of jeans and 1 pair of Mango pants and woah the tees fit quite snugly but the longer length just completely flatters my figure so I'm pretty satisfied with his work. Ya anybody who wants to alter their jeans or tees go to Express Altering #4-40 Far East Plaza and have fun with the tailor. He has that signature look, the 'Do I know you?' expression whenever you pop your head in and say hi but he's really quite nice and talks to you after a while. Anyway, take a word of advice from me, the online shopping queen and don't EVER get jeans or pants from Old Navy. The cut is just, completely baggy and I'm not sure whether altering can make them look any better on you.
Anyway, today has been quite eventful. I will give credit to my siblings for being able to just completely piss me off today. There is definitely some kind of conspiracy between them the way they naturally gang together to make me blow my top to outerspace. Some will say don't be so petty but I'd throw one right back atcha with it's the little things that count. I think the little things more often than not betray one's innermost thoughts. Take for example, if you didn't mean it, you really wouldn't have said it. Their insensitive remarks are just so cutting sometimes it all adds up after a while, I don't know what I did to deserve such a whacking.
I don't want to hold it against them but their remarks just make me wonder if they have anything such as.. I don't know... maybe, a heart? I'll just run through a few instances for those who are dying to know the dirty details and maybe you guys can judge for yourselves.
Even though it's quite obvious that I've been a Christian for a while, my sister makes no qualms showing her disgust for the religion. Words like 'brainwashing' have been used to describe the services I go for at church, 'ewww' as a response to the subject on speaking in tongues. Not to mention the evermore annoying habit of loudly declaring "She's praying" to all at the table whilst I quietly say my grace. Think I can overlook the last one but I mean, the point is, is it really standard procedure for you to openly attack a sibling in such a way? And so indiscreetly as well? Come to think of it, I wonder what she's been eating because since she came back to Singapore, she has really upped her level of being annoying. I'm beginning, strangely, to vaguely remember her being rather loud and annoying generally when she comes back on holiday. I mean it in no disrespect whatsoever, and definitely not as an attack to her personality, but to a peace loving, silence worshipping person, it's just well, plain annoying. What's she on I wonder, crack? Or it's the weather maybe? If so, then I'd probably hibernate in Japan...
Okay, on to sibling number 2. Ohh he makes me sooooo mad I could just go I hate you I hate you I hate you and you're so hateful you're so hateful you're so hateful forever without meaning it but being very angry whilst yelling it. The damage is dealt in the form of seemingly fraudulent slips (am I using the term correctly?), but then again, sometimes I wonder whether he actually really meant it (which is alarming! - the fact that he might have meant it!). He absolutely refuses to let go of the insult that I am fat. He just relishes at the opportunity to say that I'm fat, just because he is like, a stick and therefore definitely thinner than I am. What? Are you trying to show your happiness and confidence about your absence of fat? If so, that's just plain annoying. Okay this sounds petty but, I assure you, the context with which this seemingly harmless comment was made really makes it look like he's just using it to get back at me, in a not so harmless way. Secondly, is it really hard to deduce that using the adjective "fat" on a female subject is very very rude and should not be used unless the main objective of saying it was to attack or to insult? I'm sure it's not. Men, think about it, even you would know better right?
Anyway, oh the way the chemistry between them is so good they achieve astounding levels of pissing me off when they synchronise. My sister has the need to hog the toilet when its time to go out, leaving me with close to 0min to prepare myself at all. Today, she just had to insist on doing it whilst she stuck me with accomplishing the painstaking task of finding the address of some Ebay seller embedded somewhere within the links. My brother just had to point out the fact that I was still in my PJs, further aggravating the situation because as I said, she's damn using the damn toilet and I can't damn use it got it?? And she's making me do stuff cos she can't damn do it her damn self okay?? Anyway, after rushing myself with what little time I had to haphazardly change out of my clothes so that we could quickly leave the house for lunch; we were way behind time, the two of them just had to simultaneously go do their own thing while I was already raring to jump out of the house already. One moment they're complaining I'm the slowest person, I'm always the last person, look who's first now, dumbass. I distinctly remember it being like that for quite a while when it comes to going to school. My brother'd be the first to wake up and I'd be the last to wake up and in the end, I'm out and about outside the house and waiting for him to slowly put on his shoes so my mom can drive out of the house. Today, his memory just had to fail him that he's one of those first-but-last type serving to make me angry because he absolutely refused to stop doing his thing and just go out and put on his shoes even though I made obvious my intention for him to do so. In other words, he's ignoring me lah! And at the same time squeezing in some other callous words insisting that I'm the true last person. Okay whatever, talk to the hand. The sister, what's she doing on the other hand, it truely baffles me what kind of wonderful conversation she can carry out at this time when we're already late. Dragging her feet around here again, can I say one more time, Who's the last person now, dumbass? Certainly not me so don't damn label me the last person damn you hateful people. Wait, and for the finishing move, just to put the cherry on the top, she comes bounding down the stairs after taking her own sweet time doing her own agenda with the damn brother getting up from the computer and following her outside to put on his slippers after seeing her do so. Oh my goodness, am I some second rated citizen?? How come she go out put on her slippers then you will go do the same but when I ask you to do it you ignore me? So hateful. And like, his timing is just so spot on, when he goes off to walk next to her, both of them talking their cute little conversation while I'm left trailing behind like some peeved dog. So hateful.
Anyway, the result was that I absolutely did not want to talk to them at all for the whole day and I completely ignored them because who likes to be ignored? I'm just observing how they'd like to be ignored cos they did it to me and apparently it seems very fun for them to do it on me and with such dead accurate timing. I think for someone to ignore you especially after dropping such obvious hints that you're seriously unhappy with the way they conduct themselves can't even be called a friend at all, much less family.
If they don't appreciate me, like how it's been so obvious to me today, then I'll be less of a nuisance and stop socialising with them. It is afterall, the default defense mechanism against such hurtful behaviour. When someone hurts you, you stay away from them. So yea, since I am so annoying and always the last person and always dilly dallying and so ugly and fat, I'll just do you guys a favour and stay out of your lives. Decided that's only the sensible thing to do.
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